How can I serve you today?

“Rick provides peace of mind. As CFO he deftly commands all issues financial &/or legal. From the fundamental to the most complex, I highly recommend Rick for his dependability, honesty, and integrity.”

- Rob Hickling, CEO, Starling Minds Inc.

My 3 packages of services support your software businesses with all the services you would get from a FULL-time CFO,
PLUS customized ingredients for where you are on your journey:

  • Core Package:
    The required foundation is my Core Package - together we’ll develop your strategies, the plans to implement them, & track their execution.

  • Custom Suites:
    Optional Administrative and Legal/Compliance Suites together provide all the other services you would expect from a first-class CFO. You can add them as our relationship develops.

  • Services:
    See below for the Financing and Data Analytic services I provide at hourly rates.

The Core Program

The Plan

The fundamental job of the CFO is to look ahead; to be the Chief Future Officer.

I’ve rolled 20+ years of experience into a two-tier model that scales your company - The Core Program & The Plan:

In The Core Program I work with your team to build out your business strategy. This strategy forms the basis of a 36-month rolling Financial Plan.

The Core Program includes:

  • Plan development & maintenance

  • Setup of financial systems

  • 1 review session/month

  • Up to 3 private strategy sessions/month

  • Up to 3 group strategy sessions/month (the group to include your leadership team)

The Plan
incorporates my expertise of 20 years of building software-company financial plans. Realized in Google Sheets, it’s optimized for collaboration between you, me, and your leadership team.

The Plan has 3 Outputs:

  • Cash flow plan - this plan gives you a month-by-month breakdown of where your cash will be for the next 12 months, based on the assumptions you and your team provide. As the assumptions change, so does your plan.

  • Financial model - your financial stakeholders (investors, banks) will love this. A 24-month departmental P&L that highlights how your company is investing your money, and what’s coming back as a result.

  • KPIs - all the SaaS metrics (even if you’re not yet ready for them) plus all the measures that empower you to manage all the important aspects of your business.

Admistrative Suite

Day-to-day administrative demands take you away from growing and sustaining your business. Even when you hire an admin assistant, you have to manage and guide them.

I’ll handle all that for you.

I’ll hire your admin staff, train and manage them. I look for very capable but inexperienced (read: inexpensive) young people and develop their talents to quickly make them strong contributors.

I also find your bookkeepers and HR professionals, and manage those relationships too, in accordance with the values and priorities of your company. I’ve already developed relationships with outstanding professionals in these areas; people who know me and meet or exceed my demanding standards.

Administrative, services, legal, HR professionals, resonate, bookkeepers, admin assistant, staff, team, Corporate, Executive team, Executive Suite,

Legal & Compliance

Running a software company is complex.

I take the headache out of it by handling many of your legal and compliance issues.

Legal: I act as your in-house counsel:

  • Reviewing and drafting contracts

  • Keeping you and your team informed about relevant legal issues

  • Hiring (as necessary) and liaising with your lawyers for more complex legal issues

Compliance: I ensure the following take place:

  • Filing SRED and other grant-related documentation

  • Hiring (as necessary) and liaising with auditors & tax preparers

  • Investor relations & financial reporting for your board

  • Annual corporate filings and updates


Financing Support

Buying, selling, or raising money for a company is a complex undertaking - one I’ve often & skillfully executed.

- I lead the due diligence process,

- Build out the data room and waterfall,

- Work with the lawyers and investors
on both sides to craft the best deal

as available at $300/hour


Data analysis

A specialty of mine - I drill into your data sets to come up with the various operational and financial information you need to understand your business.

as available at $225/hour